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Assessment & Progress
At Parkwood Hall we recognise that effective assessment is essential to support the quality of learning, teaching, achievement, and progress of our pupils. All pupils at our school have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) and we appreciate that all our learners are unique and are at very different starting points within their learning journey. Therefore, learning and target setting is personalised to each pupil with their individual PLP targets that are based on EHCP Outcomes and reviewed every term in additional to the Annual Review. In addition, other assessments depend on the Curriculum Learning Pathway the pupils are following. The table below gives you an overview of what we assess and at what Learning Pathway/Key Stage. These are being implemented for Sepetember 2024.
| Key Stage 2 | Maths for Life RWI PLPs and Annual Reviews |
Learning Pathway 1 | Key Stage 3 | Maths for Life RWI PLPs and Annual Reviews ASDAN |
| Key Stage 4 | Maths for Life RWI PLPs and Annual Reviews ASDAN |
| Key Stage 2 | Reading Age Maths White Rose PLPs and Annual Reviews |
Learning Pathway 2 | Key Stage 3 | Reading Age Maths White Rose PLPs and Annual Reviews ASDAN |
| Key Stage 4 | Reading Age Maths White Rose PLPs and Annual Reviews ASDAN Pearson Functional Skills |
| Maths for Life |
Learning Pathway 3 | Key Stage 5 | RWI |
| PLPs and Annual Reviews ASDAN |
Learning Pathway 4 |
Key Stage 5 | Reading Age Maths White Rose PLPs and Annual Reviews ASDAN Pearson Functional Skills College Certificates
Annual Reviews.
Parkwood Hall Cooperative Academy uses the Annual Review process as an integral part in assessing our pupils. The EHCP Annual Review process is governed by the Children and Families Act 2014 and the SEND Code of Practice. It ensures that all parties involved, including the school, parents, and local authorities, have the opportunity to contribute to the review and make informed decisions about the pupil's education and support.
The Personal Learning Plan (PLP) target-setting meetings are an integral part of the EHCP Annual Review process. Through regular meetings, parents are kept fully informed of their child's progress, ensuring transparency and collaboration between home and school. This evidence is then compiled and built upon during the formal annual review. During the review, official targets and objectives can be set or adjusted as necessary to reflect the pupil's development and needs.
Personal Learning Plans (PLPs)
In October 2024, we are transitioned from Individual Education Plans (IEPs) to Personal Learning Plans (PLPs). IEPs have traditionally emphasised academic education, with all pupils having literacy and numeracy targets regardless of their needs, abilities, and EHCP Outcomes. PLPs take a holistic approach, focusing on:
- Learning from individual starting points.
- Learning across a broad curriculum encompassing both academic and life skills.
- Directly linking to EHCP Outcomes.
How do PLPs work?
Each pupil has one PLP, containing 6 targets per term (Autumn, Spring, and Summer). Targets are set by the class teacher in collaboration with parents, pupils where possible, other professionals (e.g., therapists or counsellors), Residential Personal Tutors, and either SENCOs or SLT in the school.
Initially, targets are set in Professional Development Meetings with relevant staff members present. Subsequently, targets are discussed and agreed upon between class teachers and parents during Termly Reviews (TR) held three times a year. These reviews take place online through School Cloud software or in some cases in person, with most meetings occurring during the day across one week and evening slots available on Tuesday evenings between 4-6pm for working parents. Our Assistant Principals (Learning Pathway Leads)are available at any meetings upon request.
Each TR follows the same format: What is Working Well, Areas of Difficulty, reviewing current PLP Targets, and agreeing new PLP Targets. A short-written summary is provided for each Termly Review.
Each pupil’s PLP is displayed in the classroom and on house in residential, ensuring accessibility for all staff members who work with the pupil, both in class and in the wider school.
Evidence for the PLP meeting is submitted via Evidence for Learning software platform.
Please note: we are continuing to update these pages and we envisage all will be completed by the end of June 2024
Ben Robinson
Previous Outcome Reports
Evidence for Learning
Student’s progress is recorded by teaching staff termly on Evidence for Learning (EFL). EFL is our main platform to capture summative progress through photograph and written evidence, and is also used to share information, including Individual Education Plans, with our Parents/ Carers.
We recognise that progress looks different for each student and pride ourselves on working in a collaborative multi-disciplined way to ensure that each student makes unique progress to lead a fulfilled life.
We have had some very positive feedback about Evidence for Learning from our staff and from Parents/ Carers:
"Allows parents to see how activities relate to the curriculum and assessment." - Staff member
"It is very positive for parents to see what the students are learning and how best their child learns." - Staff member
"Good way of sharing not just photos but videos as well of students. I like how you could upload activities for students, this comes in handy especially when parents want ideas for the holiday." - Staff member
"Very easy to use and share information" - Parent/ Carer
"Good to see how things are done and put in place rather than just reading about it in home/school book." - Parent/ Carer
"Gave an insight into child’s learning and how things are implemented, thus, being able to put the same in place at home to work alongside school." - Parent/ Carer